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All-In-One CRM Portal for Brands

An enterprise solution for virtual reality creators and users to cloud-hose, build, and deploy their VR experinces. 

UX Design | UI Design

My Contribution 

I was tasked to contribute to and manage the internal design system. This included the overall branding look and feel of the online portal. Additionally, I leveraged the design system to structure and design the b2b product catalog.


UX Designer (1)

Chief Product Officer

Software Engineer (2)


Design System | Buttons & Iconography

02 Design System.png
03 Design System.png

Design System | Color & Typography

01 Design System.png

Product Catalog | Splash Screen

The B2B app is a subdomain of the main website.  Any user wishing to access the dashboard can do so either by clicking “Get Started” or “Login”.  This portal enables Brands and Creators to build VR Experiences faster and better through validated UX interactions, optimized for V-commerce. 

Group 15.png
01 Splash Screen.png

Super Admin | Manage Users 

The Super Admin user can deep-link to brands and Experiences to manage those entities. Once their login is verified, Super Admins have a "Manage Users" option in the user dropdown that takes them to the user management section of the application. Here, they are able to edit a user's details and new brands to the system.

The three levels of user permissions determine their view and accessibility: 

1) Super Administrators are capable of:

  • Inviting users

  • Granting permissions

  • Viewing all brands

  • Viewing all products 

2) Administrators capable of:

  • Viewing all brands

  • Viewing experiences 

  • Viewing all products 

3) User Capable of:

  • Viewing permissioned brands

  • Viewing permissioned experiences

  • Viewing permissioned products


01 Super Admin User Dropdown.png
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02 Super Admin Manage Users.png
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04 Super Admin Edit Users.png
Group 15.png

Brand User | SKU Ingestion Flow

When a Super Admin "Invites" a user to the platform, they receive an email invite. After selecting "View Dashboard" the user is taken to the app to complete their account. Once their account setup is complete, the user can select "Import Products" to begin. At this point, the CSV process begins. Once the CSV file has been uploaded the user then completes the Map Columns and Confirm Data fields. 

Upon completion of the ingestion, the user is presented with the CSV data in the product table. Once the 3D asset is completed and bound to the SKU data, the user will receive another email letting them know that their products are ready for final review. 

06 Brand User Ingestion Step 1.png
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08 Brand User Ingestion Step 2.png
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09 Brand User Ingestion Step 3.png
Group 15.png
12 Brand User Manage Products In Progres
Group 15.png

Super Admin | Edit Brand & Experiences

05 Super Admin Manage Brands.png
Group 15.png
07 Super Admin Edit Brand.png
Group 15.png
08 Super Admin Manage Experiences.png
Group 15.png
09 Super Admin Add New Experience.png
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Brand User | Catalog Administration

After the SKU Ingestion is completed, when the user accesses the app, they will see the 3D assets with the SKU data in the product table. When a user selects a product to view, the user can make adjustments to any of the editable fields. When a user selects to "Edit" a record, the user is presented with the editable fields inline and a representation of how the product data appears in the VR Quick View.


If the user chooses to add more products they can do so by uploading a bundle or one new product at a time.  Additionally, the user is able to see what the product will look like in VR. 

08 Brand User Bulk Approve.png
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06 Brand User Product Approved.png
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04 Brand User Edit Product Details.png
Group 15.png
07 Brand User 3D Asset Viewer.png
Group 15.png
11 Add New Products Modal.png
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